We put together several resources that we think you might find useful. If you have any questions about the resources or an upcoming project, don’t hesitate to contact us.
Learn How to Avoid Common Pitfalls and Streamline the Workflow of Translating Your Content.
In this ebook, you will learn to identify each phase, along with the top questions to ask your translation provider throughout the process. Download our free e-book now, and learn The Five Phases of the Translation Workflow.
The Only Way to Deliver Personalized Experiences at Scale Is to Standardize Your Content.
That’s right: standardization enables personalization. We call this brain-twister The Personalization Paradox. To meet your customers where they want you to be, you’ve got to change how you “do” content. This book shows you how.
Want to compete effectively in the global marketplace while saving time and money? Download our free e-book now, and learn the eight simple rules you must follow to globalize your content.