Content Rules, Inc.

Preparing content for AI: 6 reasons why you're not ready | content rules | illustration of man and woman with a robot

Preparing Content for AI: 6 Reasons Why You’re Not Ready

“If it was easy, it would be done by now.” Ain’t that the truth? When projects are easy, inexpensive, and quick they are likely to get done. Even tasks that might not be so important have a chance. When projects look to be difficult, costly, and take a lot of

Is AI running out of content? People (illustrated) sitting on a laptop | Content Rules

Is AI Really Running Out of Content?

A few weeks ago, while perusing the New York Times I came across the article, “How Tech Giants Cut Corners to Harvest Data for A.I.” The article was written by a team of five reporters located in San Francisco, Washington, and New York. The main gist of the article is

Preparing content for generative ai: Persistent vs transitory content | content rules | man at a computer

Preparing Content for Generative AI: Persistent vs. Transitory Content

As you prepare your content for generative AI, it's important that you understand the two types of output content: persistent and transitory.
Moving to Generative AI: Train Your LLM with Structured Content | Content Rules | Computer screen that has CHAT AI on it

Moving to Generative AI: Train Your LLM with Structured Content

Artificial intelligence (AI) used to be something we thought about as a future need or threat. Just a couple of years ago, the impact of AI on our daily lives was indirect. Companies employed AI systems that ran behind a user interface. Even though we have interacted with AI for

Preparing content for GenAI | Content Rules | hand at a screen

Prepare Your Content Today for Generative AI Tomorrow

It's important to prepare your content for generative AI so that it provides you with the best possible results. Here's how.