Content Rules, Inc.

Delivering Personalized Experiences at Scale: Watch Your Words

To deliver personalized content experiences at scale, you need to chunk your content into small, nimble, reusable components. These components are then mixed and matched at the point of delivery to create something unique for a particular customer. At the very heart of successful content combination and reuse is standardized

Glossary vs Terminology: What's the Difference - People on books and laptops - illustration | Content Rules

Glossary Versus Terminology: What’s the Difference?

This post covers English (monolingual) glossaries and terminology, only. Updated 5/31/24 One of the first and most important questions I ask any customer who cares about content quality is, “Do you have a terminology list?” About 70% of the time, the answer is, “Yes, we have a glossary.” Though they

Terminology is Like Laundry

I get a great feeling of satisfaction when all of my laundry is done. The clothes are washed, pressed, folded, and put away. Of course, things are put away in my uber-organized, structured closet. It’s that feeling of being done with a task – sometimes a daunting task if I