Content Rules, Inc.

Preparing content for AI: 6 reasons why you're not ready | content rules | illustration of man and woman with a robot

Preparing Content for AI: 6 Reasons Why You’re Not Ready

“If it was easy, it would be done by now.” Ain’t that the truth? When projects are easy, inexpensive, and quick they are likely to get done. Even tasks that might not be so important have a chance. When projects look to be difficult, costly, and take a lot of

Is AI running out of content? People (illustrated) sitting on a laptop | Content Rules

Is AI Really Running Out of Content?

A few weeks ago, while perusing the New York Times I came across the article, “How Tech Giants Cut Corners to Harvest Data for A.I.” The article was written by a team of five reporters located in San Francisco, Washington, and New York. The main gist of the article is

Moving to Generative AI: Train Your LLM with Structured Content | Content Rules | Computer screen that has CHAT AI on it

Moving to Generative AI: Train Your LLM with Structured Content

Artificial intelligence (AI) used to be something we thought about as a future need or threat. Just a couple of years ago, the impact of AI on our daily lives was indirect. Companies employed AI systems that ran behind a user interface. Even though we have interacted with AI for

Moving to AI can be challenging, but training your large language models with structured content can produce more accurate results. | Illustration of men sitting on a brain | Content Rules

AI and Magical Thinking: Tips for How to Move to Large Language Models

AI systems require big quantities of curated content to be really effective. Training an AI system with structured content produces more accurate results.

Accept My Intelligence: Why AI Should Ask, Not Assume

Recently, I was working through some challenges with a custom schema that supports the structured content model for one of my pharma customers. I needed to take an existing document and lay it out with both the old schema and the new schema and make sure all the proposed changes

When AI Goes Bad

Ahh, AI. The promised future coming to fruition within the little screens we interact with on a daily basis. Though we assumed artificial intelligence would come in the form of apron wearing robots like the ones in the Jetsons, AI comes to us in more practical forms with the same

Artificial Intelligence Is Just Complicated Math

Earlier this year, I took a course on artificial intelligence taught at the Executive Education division of the UC Berkeley Haas School of Management. The course was primarily focused on AI business strategies and applications. The course covered many topics, including: The basics of machine learning Neural networks Deep learning