Content Rules, Inc.

ChatGPT is Coming for Your Job

As artificial intelligence continues to evolve, technical writers will soon be replaced. Learn about how AI is changing the content landscape.

The pharma industry has come together to develop technical solutions that speed time-consuming processes and reduce errors that can cause risk to the business and ultimately to patients. The goals of these technical solutions include: Facilitate digital information exchange between CROs, sites, sponsors, regulators, and EHR systems Guide decisions at

Accept My Intelligence: Why AI Should Ask, Not Assume

Recently, I was working through some challenges with a custom schema that supports the structured content model for one of my pharma customers. I needed to take an existing document and lay it out with both the old schema and the new schema and make sure all the proposed changes

When AI Goes Bad

Ahh, AI. The promised future coming to fruition within the little screens we interact with on a daily basis. Though we assumed artificial intelligence would come in the form of apron wearing robots like the ones in the Jetsons, AI comes to us in more practical forms with the same