Content Rules, Inc.

Special Statements in Writing: 4 Rules for Notes, Cautions, and Warnings | People looking at a computer | Content Rules

Special Statements in Writing: 4 Rules for Notes, Cautions, and Warnings

I want to spend a few minutes talking about three types of special statements found in most technical content: Notes Cautions Warnings Notes, cautions, and warnings are statements that serve a special purpose. They contain a sentence (or possibly two) that you want your readers to pay particular attention to.

Getting Granular with eCTD v4.0

We talk a lot about the goal of enterprise content strategy for pharma: to help speed up the process of making safe, effective medicines. One part of achieving that goal is to get content through regulatory approval faster. To speed up review and approval, pharma content must be: Easy to

My Guiding Principles

I’ve built my career on a set of principles to which I hold myself 100% accountable. These tenets are how I conduct my professional life, and in large part, how I conduct my personal relationships, too. Here are the things most important to me: Be trustworthy, reliable, and dependable. This