Content Rules, Inc.

Silos Aren’t Going Away Any Time Soon

If we can’t eliminate silos, we need to embrace silos. We need to find ways to maximize the effectiveness of multiple silos while enhancing the user experience.
Special Statements in Writing: 4 Rules for Notes, Cautions, and Warnings | People looking at a computer | Content Rules

Special Statements in Writing: 4 Rules for Notes, Cautions, and Warnings

I want to spend a few minutes talking about three types of special statements found in most technical content: Notes Cautions Warnings Notes, cautions, and warnings are statements that serve a special purpose. They contain a sentence (or possibly two) that you want your readers to pay particular attention to.

10 Ways an SCM Optimizes Your CDS

There are many reasons why a component structured content management (SCM) system is superior to using a Microsoft Word document for managing your Company Core Data Sheet (CDS or CCDS). We touched upon some of the reasons in our previous blog post, The CDS is Dead! Long Live the CDS!

COVID and Content: The Role of Content in Getting Vaccines to Market Quickly

The COVID-19 pandemic put tremendous pressure on drug-development organizations to accelerate product development far beyond anyone’s wildest roadmaps. “The fast-track part [of producing COVID-19 vaccines] were regulatory approvals, funding, data analysis and submission to the FDA (Food and Drug Administration).   Those are all paperwork items.   What was not

Terminology is Like Laundry

I get a great feeling of satisfaction when all of my laundry is done. The clothes are washed, pressed, folded, and put away. Of course, things are put away in my uber-organized, structured closet. It’s that feeling of being done with a task – sometimes a daunting task if I