Content Rules, Inc.

The Secret to Success: Good Writing | illustrated woman looking at a monitor | Content Rules

The Secret to Success: Good Writing

Master effective writing best practices to enhance content quality across translations, structured content, and AI training.
Moving to Generative AI: Train Your LLM with Structured Content | Content Rules | Computer screen that has CHAT AI on it

Moving to Generative AI: Train Your LLM with Structured Content

Artificial intelligence (AI) used to be something we thought about as a future need or threat. Just a couple of years ago, the impact of AI on our daily lives was indirect. Companies employed AI systems that ran behind a user interface. Even though we have interacted with AI for

How to Personalize Your Standard Response Documents at Scale

Discover how structured content transforms healthcare by breaking down barriers in standard response documents, enabling healthcare professionals to access and deliver relevant, current, and findable information, ultimately improving patient outcomes.

Silos Aren’t Going Away Any Time Soon

If we can’t eliminate silos, we need to embrace silos. We need to find ways to maximize the effectiveness of multiple silos while enhancing the user experience.
The word content is repeated so frequently it seems to lose its significance. Let's take a step back and answer a simple question – What is content, anyway? Here's what some of our in-house content experts had to say.

Take Responsibility

I left out an important guideline from my list of My Guiding Principles in my last blog entry. And that is: Take Responsibility. I cannot emphasize how important it is to take responsibility. And as is the case in Doing the Right Thing, the harder it is to take responsibility,

My Guiding Principles

I’ve built my career on a set of principles to which I hold myself 100% accountable. These tenets are how I conduct my professional life, and in large part, how I conduct my personal relationships, too. Here are the things most important to me: Be trustworthy, reliable, and dependable. This