
Simple Rule #3: Real Editors Don’t Do It Without A Terminology Manager

It’s been a while since I posted about the 8 Simple Rules to make your

Day 1 of Localization World 2011

Day 1 of Localization World 2011, Tues. 14 June Guest blog post by @choyberg /

Simple Rule #2: Creative Writing is a Myth. Standardize.

Back in the dark ages, when I was growing up in New York City, I

Simple Rule #1: Not All Errors Are Created Equal

Last week, I attended the Inbound Marketing Summit. (You can read about my impressions here.)

And Now for Something a Little Different

This week, I attended the Inbound Marketing Summit, held at Fort Mason in San Francisco.

8 Simple Rules You Can Apply to Tame Your Content, and Make it Cheaper, Easier, and Faster to Translate

Back in 2002, John Ritter starred in the ABC sitcom, 8 Simple Rules for Dating My

Free Webinar: Global Ready NOW!

Date: Thursday, June 9, 2011 Time: 11:00 am Pacific Daylight Time (San Francisco, GMT-08:00) Regsiter

Creating Exceptional Customer Experiences Starts With Managing Terminology Webinar Available

Love hearing me speak? Interested in the impact managing terminology can have on your brand?

Managing Terminology

In support of my upcoming webinar, “Creating Exceptional Customer Experiences Starts With Managing Terminology,” to

Why Can’t We Be Friends?

It’s been a few years now that I’ve been dabbling in the wild and wacky

Fly the Friendly or Formal Skies?

When I first started Content Rules, I did a lot of the writing work myself.

The Problem with Translating DITA

Today, I was reading the 188th Tool Kit – Basic Edition newsletter by Jost Zetzsche.

Are We Talking To Ourselves?

Several days and a birthday have passed since I attended the Worldware 2011 conference and

Communication Amidst Crisis

What do the following events have in common: Earthquake in Haiti Revolutions in Tunisia, Egypt,

Becoming More Intelligent

Explore Intelligent Content Conference insights, growth, and global readiness. Join the evolution of content development.

Structure – It Lifts and Separates

Today was the day before the actual start of the Intelligent Content Conference in Palm

The Good, the Bad and the Market

Why would you possibly change the name of your company after 16 years?!! Since February

Chunking It Up

Ever thought about how technical writing is different than regular writing? This is something we
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