by Val Swisher | Feb 26, 2016
I treat our customers as my friends. And they treat me like friends. And it’s gotten us a long way. I find that friends/clients are more likely to be understanding when I make a small mistake. And, I admit, I’m more willing to go above and beyond for those customers...
by Val Swisher | Feb 17, 2016
You need to lower the cost of translation. That’s right. You do. Almost everyone I work with is under pressure to do so. As more companies translate more content into more languages, they find that the cost of translation is, naturally, going up. There are a...
by Val Swisher | Feb 5, 2016
Lately, there’s been quite a bit of hubbub surrounding the new branding and redesign released by Uber. As part of the major overhaul, each country supported by Uber received its very own color palette. In addition to the colors, Uber also customized the imagery...
by Val Swisher | Dec 10, 2015
Imagine you are a refugee fleeing a war-torn country. Imagine spending days on a boat at sea and arriving at the shore of a distant land – a land where no one speaks your language. A land where you cannot read anything because you don’t even know the...
by Val Swisher | Sep 16, 2015
Do you work for one of those companies that doesn’t translate content? One of those companies that sells products or services only in the United States and other presumably English-only countries? Perhaps your company, like many, abides by the terribly flawed notion...
by Val Swisher | Sep 6, 2015
I have noticed that quite a bit of energy is expended on creating personas. And it makes sense. If we create a model of our content consumer, we are more likely to provide information that is relative to that person. Personalization is a good thing. Unfortunately, as...