What Is a Reuse Map?

What Is a Reuse Map?

A reuse map is a blueprint for planned content reuse. Planned content reuse means that you identify ahead of time exactly which pieces of content will be reused in a specific output.  With planned content reuse, authors do not have to do anything to make the reuse...
When AI Goes Bad

When AI Goes Bad

Ahh, AI. The promised future coming to fruition within the little screens we interact with on a daily basis. Though we assumed artificial intelligence would come in the form of apron wearing robots like the ones in the Jetsons, AI comes to us in more practical forms...
Artificial Intelligence Is Just Complicated Math

Artificial Intelligence Is Just Complicated Math

Earlier this year, I took a course on artificial intelligence taught at the Executive Education division of the UC Berkeley Haas School of Management. The course was primarily focused on AI business strategies and applications.  The course covered many topics,...
Efforts Without Tools Are Just Best Intentions

Efforts Without Tools Are Just Best Intentions

Efforts without tools do not work. Efforts are just that. Best intentions. And while we all have the best intentions, we also have full-time jobs. This is why we have tools. To make things efficient and consistent. Sometimes, our best intentions lead us to start a...
The Three Types of AI Analytics

The Three Types of AI Analytics

I recently finished a great course on artificial intelligence offered by the UC Berkeley Haas School of Management. It was an eight week course that was mostly directed at the business of AI, rather than coding or technology. Really good stuff. The first class focused...