by Val Swisher | Aug 16, 2021
Search and findability issues are the number one complaint that I hear from customers who realize they need a content strategy. Well over 50% of customers from our content strategy practice start conversations by telling me that their search is “broken.” Once we...
by Val Swisher | Aug 9, 2021
I recently came across a great commentary in the August 2021 issue of “Pharma Technology Focus.” The article is titled, “MDR set to transform how MedTech firms approach content management,” written by Barbara Peraltor, Director of Life Science Solutions at Amplexor. ...
by Val Swisher | Jul 12, 2021
EU Medical Device Regulation (2017/745) and In Vitro Diagnostic Regulation (2017/746) went into effect in May 2021, after about a year’s delay due to COVID-19. Medical device manufacturers have known about the new regulations for years and have been working to meet...
by Val Swisher | Jun 30, 2021
I’ve started to notice a trend in structured authoring. In the past, almost all of our customers who implemented structured authoring were established companies with a lot of legacy content. And most of the writers were very technical. Rarely did I see young companies...
by Regina Lynn Preciado | Jun 25, 2021
I’ve had more than one conversation over the past several years about whether pharmaceutical companies were “ready” for structured content. After all, many of the benefits of structured content roll up into one key business need: scale. And scale — the ability...
by Val Swisher | Jun 8, 2021
Writing a book is not for the faint of heart. Or the easily distracted. It is a sizable undertaking. You have to make sure you have enough to say, in terms of quantity and value. The Personalization Paradox was the result of an epiphany I had one day. I was on a...