The CDS is Dead! Long Live the CDS!

The CDS is Dead! Long Live the CDS!

The Company Core Data Sheet (CDS or CCDS) is one of the most important documents a pharmaceutical company creates. The CDS is a working document that contains information about the pharmaceutical product. It includes information from multiple sources, such as clinical...
How to Create a Unified Content Experience

How to Create a Unified Content Experience

Raise your hand if you think content silos are ever going away. Yah. I didn’t raise mine either. After decades (literally) of talking about silos, calmly and not so calmly explaining to people why they are problematic, and advocating for their demise, I have come to...
Solving Pharma Content Challenges

Solving Pharma Content Challenges

In The Unique Challenges of Pharma Content, we discuss challenges faced by pharmaceutical companies in the creation and management of content. Here is a short list: Takes too long to create, approve, and deliver content Cannot leverage or reuse content across...